domingo, 4 de setembro de 2016


It is not sporadical to regard while watching the news a variety of catasthrophic episodes on Earth. Unfortunately, people usually feel sorry for a couple of minutes and then they forget about it and go back to do the things they were doing before. There is, people do nothing about it. This happens because it empires in our actual society a feeling of selfish and individualism. Basic principles such as freedom, equality and fraternity, for which the human society fought and made revolutionary and democratic laws, nowadays aren´t more than sheets of paper garded to show people that something is assecuring their rights.

For centuries the humanity have been fighting against all the scuge that remains on the Earth. Even though having all the bad experiences the societies keep a model of social contract that doesn´t work anymore. And we have many examples of that.

In the year of 2015 we had the Cop21 to consider the issue of the climate change . The problem is that even knowing that our planet and its wildlife is in serious dangerous, the great powers of the world keep spelling nocive substances through out the air and the waters. Fortunately, for the first time, a climate deal was adopted in Paris for more than 190 countries.

 In the meantime, in accord to the World Food Programm, almost eight hundred million people don´t have enough food to eat while the total wealth of the world is concetrated in one percent of the population. This is an inequality that borders on the comical and it is difficult to present solutions when the solutions are frequently in the hands of those that are in a confortable situation.

However, the conture is not entirely disappointing. Organizations such as United Nations, Médecins sans Frontiers, are fighting in concert a  continuous struggle against all those aches and pains, despite the obstacles such as corruption and the inffluence peddling.

Thus, to improve human rights and to make the Earth a good place to live, with dignity and self-respect, an universal law is needed. It is necessary for their improvement and for their preservation. The politicians and the great men in power shaw develop new ideas that even though that each of them is secretly inclined to exempt himself from them, although their private intentions conflict, they check each other, with the result that their public conduct is the same as if they had no such intentions. This is exactly what Immanuel Kant wrote in his book, The Perpetual Peace, and the reason for which many call him too naive. That´s the reason all the humanity should be naive as well. 

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